Many types of viruses invade the skin; But Mainly Medical Attention is focused on only three groups. Two groups of these are annoying family, warts and cold sores (fever blisters or herpes simplex) on the lip. Warts Are Caused by papillomavirus and herpes simplex virus causes sores s, such as herpes zoster. The third group of viruses infects the skin that form of the virus called the poxvirus family. The most notorious of the poxivirus is the smallpox virus, which only historical arouse Interest, Has Been Eliminated throughout the World Through the use of a vaccine. In Any case, a common childhood varicella Infection Remains. Molluscum contagiosum is caused by a virus called the poxvirus also.
Skin InfectionsAre small skin growths Warts Caused by Any of the 60 types of human papillomavirus.
Warts CAN OCCUR at Any Age but Are Most Common in Children and less common in the elderly. While skin warts easily spread from one area of the body to Another, Usually Not Easily spread from one individual to another. However, genital warts themselves are infectious.
The Vast Majority of warts Are harmless. The most common types do not become cancerous. Some rare and some other types infect the cervix and that penis plow, rarely, cancer.
The size and shape depend on the type of wart virus that cause and location in the body. Some warts are painless, cause pain by irritating others nerve. Some warts grow in clusters (mosaic warts); others appear as isolated and unique formations. Often warts disappear without treatment. However, some persist for many years and others disappear and reappear.
When doctors examine a tumor on the skin, should seek to differentiate whether it is a wart or some other type of tumor. Some formations seem that are actually appendices warts, moles, corns, or callused skin cancers events. Warts are classified according to their shape and location.
Almost everyone has warts (verruca vulgaris). These are hard lumps that have a rough surface, plow rounded or irregular, gray, yellow or brown, and usually have less than 1 centimeter in diameter. Very often appear in areas subject to frequent-revile s, such as fingers, around nails (periungual warts), knees, face and scalp. Can spread, but are never the cancerous warts.
Plantar warts appear on the sole, which usually have flattened by the pressure of walking and are surrounded by thickened skin. Can be extremely painful. Unlike corns and calluses, plantar warts tend to cause bleeding in small freckles pinpoint when the doctor shaves or cuts the surface with a scalpel.
Filiform warts are growths long, narrow and small that often emerge in the eyelids, face, neck or lips.
Flat warts, which are more common in children and young adults, usually appear in groups as lesions smooth, yellow-brown, especially in the face.
The virus that causes warts wet (venereal warts, condyloma acuminata) in the genitals is sexually transmitted.
Treatment of warts depends on the location, type and severity, and time spent on the skin.
In general, common warts disappear without treatment within 2 years. The daily application of a solution or plaster that contains salicylic acid and lactic acid softens the skin infection that can gently scrape the wart to disappear faster. The doctor can make treatment with freezing the wart using liquid nitrogen, but you may need to repeat the process after 2 or 3 weeks to remove it completely. The electrodesiccation (a treatment that uses electrical current) or laser surgery can destroy the wart, but both procedures can leave scars. Whichever method is used in treatment, the wart recurs in about one third of cases. The doctor may also treat common warts with chemicals such as trichloroacetic acid or cantharidin, which destroy the wart. However, new warts often occur around the edges of previous ones.
Plantar warts are often macerated more concentrated salicylic acid applied as a solution or plaster. This chemical process should be accompanied by cutting the wart with a scalpel, freezing or the use of other acids on its surface. Doctors may use additional techniques, such as injection of certain chemicals in the wart to destroy it. In any case, plantar warts are difficult to cure.
Flat warts are usually treated with desquamating agents such as retinoic acid or salicylic acid, which cause the wart to come off the scaly skin.
Molluscum contagiosum
Molluscum contagiosum is a skin infection caused by a virus called the poxvirus bumps forming smooth, waxy, and flesh-colored.
The papules are usually smaller than one centimeter in diameter and have a tiny depression in the center. Sometimes a single papule can reach more than 3 centimeters. The virus that causes molluscum is contagious, is transmitted by direct contact with skin and, often, the transmission is through sex.
The virus can infect any part of the skin, but more often in the groin and pubic region (though not usually on the penis or vagina). The lesions are usually not itchy or painful and can be discovered by chance during a review. The lesion usually has a central depression filled with a pasty white material for physicians are easy to identify.
These formations can be treated by freezing or depleting the core with a needle.


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