Beauty Positions

There are some positions that cause health and beauty. The cross legs, bad posture, among others.
These positions or bad habits from wrinkles and varicose veins cause pain to. These are positions that seem harmless but that affect your health and beauty.
Stomach sleeping
Stomach sleeping is terrible for the bust and face. Contribute to the formation of wrinkles in his face all night because facial skin is located in an abnormal manner, supporting the weight of the head. The best sleeping position is face up; hand positions also put pressure on the face.
Cross legs
Crossing your legs puts too much pressure on some veins contributing to the development of varicose veins.
Holding her face in her hands
The face and head as they stand do not need help. Some people put their hands to support you while you talk. This position creates tension in the skin and its repetition contributes to the formation of lines and wrinkles.
Poor posture
As you walk, sit and stand. Poor posture can cause many problems depending on the position taken. It can cause bone problems by putting more stress on some than others and the image makes people look shorter, plump and protruding abdomen.
Bad position to use the phone
If the phone is held to the neck to leave a free hand in addition to producing pain in the neck, puts pressure on certain muscles of the face and helps to bacteria and cause wrinkles. Buy headphones if you need your hands free.
Any position that puts more pressure on muscles or bones is bad for your health and beauty. All bad habits take some time but the good news is that it can be corrected.


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